What do you do when your child refuses to go to school?
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If she was my daughter, I'd pick her up in her pajamas , nightgown, whatever.... and drop her butt off right in front of the school. You are being controlled by her excuses. You are an enabler who is going to put your daughter into a downward academic spiral that she might not be able to crawl out if. Both of you need to seek help. Last, if she continues to be truant, you can be fined everyday by the attendance officer. The law says your child should be in school. They will enforce it.
She either needs to get some serious psychological help or you need to put your foot down. It disgusts me to see parents who let their children run all over them and make the decisions.
You need to let your daughter know whose home she is living in and the RULES of the home. Put some consequences in place quickly, take everything from her. If that doesn't bother her, then she definitely has some sort of mental problem and should probably be committed.
My daugher had an issue with being on time to class. This is what I did and I never heard of her having this issue again. Go to school with her for a full day. Walk to all her classes with her and sit next to her and eat lunch with her too. When her friends see her mom all over school next to her, she will not want you included in her life at school. Just let her know that everytime you feel you are unable to attend school for whatever reason she tryies, tell her you will go with her and if you see any reason for her not to be there, you will take her home. This will work. IF she start ditching classes do the same thing, but cuff your wrist together and walk her to each class like she is a felon. This works and the school supported what I did and told me they wish every parent would take this kind of action. I hope you try it. It will only take a day or two out of your life, but will let your daughter know how important she and school are in your life.
Best of luck, The mom who repeated the 8th. grade for two days.
I would call the school guidance counselor to see what he would suggest. Perhaps they can have the police come and get her. The bigger problem is that she doesn't want to go though. Why don't you try to solve the reason she doesn't want to go rather than just "how can I make her go". If she doesn't care about her future, that is a much larger problem.
I feel for you, I am having the same problem with my daughter, I had to get a truancy officer in to make her go every day, I took away every luxury she had, computer, phone friends etc and I sleep next to her every night to ensure she does not leave. It is very hard and I stay tired because she tries to leave in the middle of the night, then I have to deal with the truacy officer and we really have to fight to get her to go to school.
I too am going thru this same thing with a 15 yr old. He is too old to 'pick up' and if i take away everything he 'doesn't care'. He is getting weekly counseling but nothing seems to help,and hospitalizing him would make him worse too. We soon will be in court , I guess I will have to see if they have the answers.
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