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16 yr old son defies every rule...

Parents Support One Another @ =

My 16 yr old son defies every rule we set in our house... he does whatever he wants... when we ground him, he just laughs it off. Any help?

Suffering mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why Should Parents Use Grounding?

He asserts that grounding should be used as a logical consequence for children’s problem behaviors and should be used for one or more of these reasons:

● To show children that they’re not using their freedom responsibly.

● To provide extra supervision so that they have the opportunity to show improvement with their problem behavior.

Example: Parent stays home with teenager on week nights until she brings her math grade up to passing or better.

● To help children realize that they’re engaging in certain behaviors that their parents deem are incompatible with being a part of the family.

● To separate children from particular friends and/or a certain event that Mom and Dad disapprove of.

1. Grounding must be done in small increments of time—minutes, hours, or days. Then, if children defy the grounding, it is increased in small amounts as well. The author explains that if the original amount of grounding time is large (ie, weeks or months), parents risk escalating their child’s defiance rather quickly.

EXAMPLE: Talking on the phone instead of doing homework.

Normal Consequence: Cell phone taken away for one day and evening.

First Escalation: Cell taken away for one additional day/night.

Second Escalation: Three days.

Third Escalation: Four days.

2. Make sure the situation/activity the child is being grounded from is something he really sees as punishment. If he doesn’t seem to care whether or not he goes to his grandfather’s birthday party, ground him on another day when he’ll miss going out with his friends.

3. Be prepared to alter your routine in order to enforce the grounding. This may mean making small sacrifices and inconveniencing one or more members of your family. Dr. Kaye reminds us that making small sacrifices now will reap benefits in the future for you and your child. So, if grounding your daughter means that one parent stays home with her and misses the family’s Friday pizza night, so be it.

4. Be ready to take extra steps to enforce the grounding if need be. The author of Family Rules advises parents that if your son leaves the house and goes to the party anyway, go and get him. This action lets him know that you mean business. Kaye says not to worry about embarrassing your son, since his friends probably already know that he’s supposed to be grounded anyway.

There are a few instances when grounding is not appropriate. These times are:

● When your child enjoys spending time alone in her room. Here, restricting her to her room will serve to reward her instead of punishing her. Try taking a privilege away instead, or require her to spend some time outside her room like outdoors.

● If your child has a history of violent behavior and/or has been physically abusive toward you parents.