Online Parent Support Chat

My daughter has become defiant...

Parents Support One Another @ = I need help with the following issue: My daughter has become defiant to rules of behavior especially talking back and disrespect to parents. Taking away privileges does not seem to help. What else can I do?


Anonymous said...

I think you need to explain to her it isn't just about the room it is about respect and responsibility. Then tell her what will happen if she doesn't do it and then stick to it. Consistency is the key.

Anonymous said...

She'll get better by the time she is 18. I think you should tell her you would help her and try to communicate with her. Don't let her feel you are pressuring her. A good talk may help.

Anonymous said...

This is one of those "wait for it" moments. She will need something from you - like money, a ride etc.; ignore her when she is asking you (roll your eyes if you have to). Your daughter like many a teenager feels that the world revolves around them. Until they get a taste of their own medicine, they don't realize what they have. Make sure that your hubby supports you on this or it won't work well. Eventually your daughter will ask you why you are treating her that way, tell her that you are only behaving the same way she behaves with you. Let her know that if she wants things done by you that she needs to listen and do things that need to be done. She'll get it after a few incidents.