Online Parent Support Chat

When is the right age to...?

When is the right age to...?

Tell your kids personal stuff? I mean like what age would you concider old enough to tell your kids the truth when they ask you where babies come from? I never asked my mom and so I didn't know for a long time. Obviously I do now, but you know. Like I have this friend and she said that she asked her mom when she was eight and her mom told her everything about sex.


Anonymous said...

It all starts when children begin learning body parts; they have an arm, a knee, girls have a vulva and vagina, boys have a penis and testicles, women have breasts.
Usually around 6, a child starts asking where babies come from. Parents should answer honestly, at the level the child can understand, according to their family values. Usually parents leave themselves open to more questions as the child thinks of them, and add to the child's knowledge as s/he matures.
These days, there are girls getting their periods at even 9, so they have to know everything by that time. Boys need to know it all, too - both, because it's much better for the parents to give the information, instead of the myths kids learn on the playground.

Anonymous said...

Thank you soooo much! that was very helpful :)