Online Parent Support Chat

Do you think that kids are being over diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, or just a plan ole behavior problem.?

I was wondering if any of you parents out there feel like they (teachers and doctors) are over diagnosing kids with ADD, ADHD, or behavior problems. Do you think sometimes kids are just that "kids" and some are more well behaved than others. Some listen better than others and some concentrate better than others. I am talking all ages, from preshoolers to high schoolers. What is your take on it!

Online Parent Support


Anonymous said...

there are so many horrible diagnosis' these days, and all for the sake of a greedy doctor...and pharmaceutical company to get rich. What did our forefathers ever do, and how did they ever get by? Isn't is strange, that some of the best inventions, best ever movies, art, etc...came before everyone started getting diagnosed with a mental illness? Kids can't even be kids any more....

Anonymous said...

Personally I do feel that ADD and ADHD are extremely overdiagnosed. When I was a kid, there was MAYBE one kid in the entire school diagnosed with such a disorder. I do agree with the fact that some kids are just more well behaved than others, but I also feel that it is entirely the parents who create this behavior. Have you ever watched Nanny 911? That just goes to show you that upbringing is a major problem with the behavior of many children.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't really need to be diagnosed is the problem, all kids can have attention problems and the main causes are usually bad diets so a long term course of medication is not going to help the kids, they need to know the facts about diets but then drug companies don't make any money that way so they won't inform you about that.

Same with depression really, you don't need drugs, you need attention, people to talk to to discuss problems and a lifestyle change to make you healthier and happier.

Then the people with the really bad issues can have medication to help them along the way.