Online Parent Support Chat

Keeping my child on track with school...

Parents Support One Another @ = I need help with the following issue: keeping my child on track with school and trying to teach him to make good choices with friends and activities - at the moment he's on a downward spiral - in his 3rd school this year,in trouble at school all the time, refuses to do any schoolwork, is abusive etc etc Having said all this I've only just started Mark's programme, so I'm hoping his techniques will help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Studies have indicated that children whose parents and/or other significant adults share in their formal education tend to do better in school. Some benefits that have been identified that measure parental involvement in education include:

* Higher grades and test scores
* Long term academic achievement
* Positive attitudes and behavior
* More successful programs
* More effective schools

All parents want their children to become successful, caring adults. Similarly, many parents want to be involved with the formal education of their children. Sometimes, however, they don't know where to start, when to find the time, or how to go about making positive connections with the school.

At the most basic level, parents can begin encouraging the education of their children by showing that they truly value education themselves.
Discussion Question

"Can you think of some ways that parents and grandparents might show their children that they value education?"

Answers might include:

* Enrolling in classes themselves
* Showing an interest in reading
* Taking part in study groups
* Talking about educational issues
* Paying attention to school matters
* Showing concern for child's progress
* Giving time to the school-classroom, PTA/PTO, or library.