Online Parent Support Chat

My son is way out of control...

Parents Support One Another @ = I need help with the following issue:

My son is way out of control, he is suspended again at the moment, I have tried using the three day grounding etc and has taken his computer, dvd, etc out of his room, he never seems to get through the three days, he had smashed things in my house, kicked in my front door, been pick up by the police for being truant, smashed a plate in front of me, slashed my fly screens in the windows and thrown a fruit at a large mirror splattering it everywhere, he swears at me and I cannot stop him myself from leaving the house. We are in counselling and yet his behaviour is getting dangerously out of control. He hit a boy at school yesterday and the parent doesn't want to lay charges, he is going all these things and the police can't do anything, he knows he can get away with most things he does at the moment, he steals from me, I have a lock on my bedroom door and he broke in from outside. The police are reluctant because he is only 14 yrs old.He wont talk to me and I dont know what to do with him.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like oppositional defiant disorder.

Anonymous said...

Have you watched all the videos in the online version of the Online Parent Support program. It seems you must be missing something here - because everything you've listed is dealt with in those videos.

Anonymous said...

You may want to go back and review Mark's eBook. If all that is still going on then you probably forgot some of the strategies. I had to go back 4 times for review because I missed most of what I was suppose to be doing after the first go thru. Good luck, you are in my prayers.
