Online Parent Support Chat

Is anybody else as concerned as I am about childhood obesity?

Is anybody else as concerned as I am about childhood obesity? I had a client in the office today and her poor daughter and son were the ages 7 and 9...both extremely overweight...I almost feel its a form of child abuse...

Online Parent Support


Anonymous said...

I agree with you there. I cannot comprehend how someone could let their child get overweight. Not only that, but they always blame it on school lunches being fattening, something lame like that.... I'm sorry, but one meal at school is not going to make you obese. While I think part of the problem is definitely kids eating too much junk food and portion control. But you know what, junk food has been around forever. I think the bigger problem is kids are so sedentary these days.
Serious lack of exercise. Between computers and video games, and kids are so overscheduled they don't have time to run around outside and play. And society today (and I understand this part) is SO paranoid about kidnappings and all the crazies in teh world, that kids are not allowed to walk to and from school, or play outside much..... All this impacts their exercise. And rather than focus on the school lunches, I'd rather see longer recesses or more PE classes.

ANyways, there is no excuse for young children to be overweight. Parents have complete control over what they eat, how much they eat, and how much activity they have.

Anonymous said...

I think some parents feed their children such awful things. I even look at all the things my mom used to feed me and that I sometimes still snack on (sugary cereals, poptarts, etc.) and I do not want my son (9 mos old now) eating that crap. I know that very soon my diet is going to change drastically because I worry about obesity and child health. This is the time we should be teaching our children how to eat properly. It's different when children have problems (thyroid, hormones, etc.) that make them gain weight drastically, no matter what, but yes, if it has to do with what the parents are feeding them, I do think it is abusive... it is harmful to the child's health so, yeah, that's abuse in my book.

Anonymous said...

It is irresponsible parenting and also just another way that parents these days cannot say No to their children. Too many toys, too many activities, too many treats, too much food, too much freedom. It's a shame...

Anonymous said...

I'm concerned about the fattening of America in general.

It's tough to get good information about a healthy diet, and for many time-crunched, stressed out families, just getting everyone *fed* feels like a victory.

Calling it child abuse is a bit extreme, I think. It's a widespread cultural problem, and it is going to take major changes to make a difference - different choices by individuals, but also better food labeling regs and better info about what makes for a healthy, nutritious diet. The current MyPyramid from the government is maddeningly vague - it seems designed more to placate food manufacturers than to provide good info on healthy eating.

Anonymous said...

It is child abuse if you ask me! These lazy parents are setting their children up for lives of ridicule not to mention all of the obvious health problems that obesity can cause. I have a client who is very over weight, like at least 400lbs, and her daughter is on the same track. They eat fast food everyday, and the kid won't touch a vegetable. We have had problems with the little girl taking a whole bunch of food at lunch time, (the kids serve themselves) as if she is afraid that she won't get enough. It's really sad the relationship that she already has with food. Parents are to lazy to model good habits, and heaven forbid they go outside and get some exercise! I hate to see it, but I often do:(

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that obesity is a form of child abuse. When I was younger, I was considered obese. It is hard to be overweight and try to change it. Now I am pregnant but before I was pregnant, I was down to a size 4. I am nervous about my children in the future. My husband is overweight and I have been overweight, and it also runs in both of our families. I think that some parents go overboard and try to keep their kids on strict diets and alot of activity. My kids play alot, basically all day, and they eat well; fruits, veggies, chicken, ect. but they also eat some junk food sometimes, they are kids.

Childhood obesity is definatly a problem and it should be resolved asap.

Anonymous said...

I do also fell that child obesity is a form of child abuse, but it's not AS bad as beating ect. It mainly is the parents fault for their children being over weight because the parent is the one feeding and buying these unhealthy foods for the children. It is not the children's fault that these are the only foods available in there homes, but once the child eats these certain foods for many years they are going to become immune to them and not want to eat or try healthier foods. Child Obesity's is a huge problem which is mainly the parents fault.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is 3.5 and no way that she is overweight (at 35 lbs), but I've already started her off to a healthy eating style. I think it's important to limit fast food and junk food from early on, or they will just lose it when they're in primary school. I don't think kids can become obese eating vegetables, lean meat and fruit juice (from fruits, not concentrate).

Also, home cooked meals made from scratch make all the difference!!!