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He just refuses to do things like homework...

Parents Support One Another @ = I have been following the program and our 16 year old son, seems to be actin like a 4 year old. He makes all sorts of weird noises, yells us down by saying he doesn't care and will not give an inch. I couldn'd keep the poker face last night and as my husband was dealing with him had a bit of a cry infront of the TV. He came out, pointed at me and then laughed. He suffers from anxiety/adhd and has no friends or self esteem. How do we cope when he just refuses to do things like homework or any request?


Anonymous said...

simple treat him whenever he does something. instead of taking away, give. say "if you do your homework everyday this week, i'll.....(fill in the blanks)"

Push him, keep at eye on him the first few times, it isn't easy, doing work is not an over night it'll take him. Once he gets the hand of it push him harder, help him set goals, it sounds like he isn't really motivated to do anything.

good luck

Anonymous said...

Did you read the eBook? It talks about what to do when your child won't do chores. Maybe you should go back to the blackboard and study up.

Anonymous said...

This tends to work since ADHD kids are visual learners: Make him a chart on a dry erase board, or on a piece of paper, of what he needs to do each day. This is what I have to do with my daughter. As for how he talks to you, it's either what he hears, or what's been allowed. It's normal for all kids to go against the rules and not want to clean their room and do homework - it's not just kids with ADHD. To me it sounds more like he's a teenager and you're having normal teenager problems with him.